
60 MORE Substance Abuse Group Therapy Activities

April 12, 2024

substance abuse group activities

This complex, intense interpersonal experience can be filled with powerful interaction and meaningful activities. Many of these group therapy activities are highlighted in this article. It helps clients notice their strengths, past successes, and ability to grow and overcome challenges.

Group Activities In Addiction Recovery

substance abuse group activities

Forms of charades like emotions charades can also encourage participants to explore their emotions and become more comfortable with them. Furthermore, music therapy can serve as a powerful tool for managing stress and anxiety. The soothing and calming effects of music can help individuals regulate their emotions and find inner peace.

Try Role-Playing Exercises

substance abuse group activities

Try a few of these and see how they resonate with your group then figure out how you can proceed. Engaging in expressive arts can be a transformative experience for individuals in substance abuse recovery. Creative activities provide a non-verbal outlet for emotions and enable participants to explore their inner world in a safe and supportive environment. By combining individual and group therapy, individuals receive a comprehensive and holistic approach to their recovery.

substance abuse group activities

Group Therapy: A Comprehensive Resource Guide

  • Or picture a lively game of bingo where, instead of numbers, participants mark off common cognitive distortions as they recognize them in their own thinking.
  • A 3-page worksheet for couples to create a shared list of meaningful “bucket list” items to do together.
  • Another option for your substance abuse group activities, have the clients discuss being alone.
  • A letter template for individuals entering long-term residential treatment for substance use, to be opened and read at treatment completion.
  • As social creatures, we learn from and depend on groups to survive, thrive, and grow as individuals.
  • To encourage helpful discussions, some recovery groups toss around question balls.

A sheet of paper is passed out to each member, and they will write their name on the sheet. The paper is passed around so that other members can write positive affirmations directed to the member. This activity can be uplifting for individuals struggling with depression and decrease levels of anxiety. Group therapy can provide a supportive and cost-effective way to treat symptoms and underlying causes of these debilitating mental health conditions.

substance abuse group activities

Kahoot! Coping With Stress

As therapists, we know loneliness can sometimes be a trigger for our clients. Another option for your substance abuse group activities, have the clients discuss being alone. Explore what balance they need in being alone and not feeling isolated. Group therapy can be a fun way to improve aspects of mental and emotional substance abuse group activities wellbeing.

substance abuse group activities

Best CBT Group Activities Essential For SUD Treatment

The Empathy Bingo worksheet is an interactive way for group members to learn about empathy, develop healthy relationships, and practice self-compassion. Role-play can be a great activity for acting out and resolving conflict in a healthy way. Members of the group can take on specific characters and role-play effective discussion, healthy ways to deal with stressful emotions, and setting boundaries. In the next half of the group, allow clients to share their posters as the second part of substance abuse group activities. Supply small cardstock posters and glue sticks for each client, along with shared markers  When the clients enter, give each client a cardstock poster.
