How to make your trip pay for itself with AirWayBill!

April 17, 2018
Summer is about to knock the doors and everyone started to feel it with the great days of spring we have now. This means that the holidays are coming and what better excuse can you have to jetset across the world? Or at least half of it.
But we get it, traveling may be one of the things you dream of but can’t quite get around to doing it because of how expensive it can get.
Not to mention the little trinkets and epic items you’re buying for your friends and family. But don’t let that burst your bubble, there is a way to work around it. You can pay for your trip or at least half of it with AirWayBill.
Here’s how you can fund your trip with AirWayBill…
1. Location, location, location
If you want to earn as much as possible on your trip, be smart about the destination. Though people request various things from all over the world, there are some places that are more popular than others, meaning you can accept more requests if you’re traveling to that location.
As of now, Egypt is the highest on the list, as well as USA, India, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates. So before you get your ticket, remember to check out the current requests on the app.
2. Be Flexible
Having a plan is a must and it’s actually great, but be a bit flexible with them. Though it may not be possible sometimes with the limited amount of days you have, but as much as possible, try.
Being flexible can actually help you save money. Instead of booking the first flight, hotel, or whatever service it is you need immediately, do some research first. Compare, take notes, and form plans. That way if plan A doesn’t work you still have 25 more letters in the alphabet.
3. Maximize your profit
With high earnings from your deliveries and low costs through budgeting, this is bound to be an awesome trip, and one of the many to come! Offer to carry as many items as you can through the app and make use of all your extra space. After all, would you rather carry a lot of clothes to your destination or a lot of money from it?
Just keep in mind the weight allowance and make sure you don’t go over the allowed weight. Or if you do, make sure that the items you’re carrying and delivering cover more than your spend.
4. Pack like a boss
Do your research and only pack the essentials to make space for more items to carry! It helps to make a list or inventory of your items as well and remember the airport regulations so as to avoid any problems when flying.
5. Ask and you shall receive
Nobody knows the place like a local. Strike up a conversation with your shipper or shopper and get the best tips and advice on where to go to have a great time or save more. They have all the insider scoop so there’s really nothing to lose.
You can check this out as well and see how Nada the great solo low budget traveler earned the easiest hundreds of dollars she could ever make!
Want to start earning cash with AirWayBill? Download the app now and #GetCarrying!